
Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

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Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Eric Wilson » Wed Feb 03, 2021 11:07 pm

As a new member learning the model collecting ropes, I thought I’d ask members their thoughts on a particular model I was considering for my collection. I’m interested primarily in non-restored, early metal display models.

That’s why I was very excited by a recent posting of a Raise-Up Swissair DC-7
http://www.aviationmodels-online.com/fo ... air_11.htm. A spectacular looking model given its condition, original box, etc. The more I researched, however, some things didn’t quite add up. So, here are some observations:

1. The tail section seems to be more DC-6 than DC-7, which was taller and squarer. But I’ve read in Anthony Lawler’s book that Raise-Up sometimes took liberties, so that could have been on them.
2. But without that extra height in the tail, the tail livery seems incorrect, with the “Seven Seas” lettering crammed in. On the actual aircraft there’s plenty of space for it to display well.
3. Also, the Swissair red extends down onto the fuselage, something Swissair didn’t appear to do, at least not on any DC-7 pics I've seen - actual aircraft or Raise-Up models.
4. And last, but perhaps more significant, the engine nacelle air intakes appear cut-out (painted?) and are more detailed than any images I've seen of Raise-Up DC-7s, even in larger scales.

Obviously, I can only go on pics of the five or six models I’ve found online of this particular model, including Henry’s here on this site, but so far none of them exhibit these inconsistencies.

So, thoughts? Legitimate Raise-Up mistakes? Raise-Up to Verkuyl transition period? An older, inaccurate restoration? I’m leaning towards the latter, especially given the stand has the pitting and age you would expect, but the model itself is so mint.

BTW... I’m in no way questioning or faulting the seller… he’s selling off someone else’s collection and wouldn’t know the history, nor do I believe is he very familiar with Raise-Ups.

Thanks for everyone’s help, in helping me navigate this new collector world.
Swissair HB-IBL-engines.jpg
Engine detail
Swissair HB-IBL-engines.jpg (105.91 KiB) Viewed 19835 times
Swissair HB-IBL-tail.jpg
Tail section
Swissair HB-IBL-tail.jpg (107.84 KiB) Viewed 19835 times
Swissair HB-IBL.jpg
The one and only
Swissair HB-IBL.jpg (73.38 KiB) Viewed 19835 times
Eric Wilson
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Lorne Jordan » Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:31 pm

All models have imperfections. I love the look of this one and would be happy to own it! Really no such thing as a bad vintage model, in my opinion. Well, there probably is but this one is lovely.
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Henry Tenby » Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:53 pm

Hi Eric, fantastic questions thank you for posting them. I shall give you my insight. First let's address questions 1 to 4.Very few airline display model makers of the 1950s produced near clones of the actual models and some were more accurate than others.

For example, I have always considered Verkuyl to be the most accurate of the metal model makers of the 1950s. When we had in plexiglass and fiberglas and large scale models, Westway models and their large scale cutaway models of the 1950s are near genetic copies of the actual planes, albeit scaled down in size. So in my opinion, Westway and Verkuyl were two of the most accurate display model makers of the 1950s.

So this brings us to Raise Up models. Their metal propliners from the 1950s are very nice, but they are not near genetic scaled down clones of the real planes. For the reasons and observations you well point out. Their models are interpretations, as well those made by Peter V Nelson for example, whose models in many cases were quite inaccurate, some bordering on grotesque.

Yes, this is an entirely accurate Raise Up Swissair DC-7 model. It is identical to my model, photos provided below. And yes, the indented engine intakes are the same as mine. It is my believe this model is in fact a near mint specimen. I do not believe it has been doctored or repaired in any way from the photos presented. And not all old models have a yellowing or patina. Some do and some don't. I hope this helps address these very good questions raised here.
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Henry Tenby » Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:04 pm

And here are the close up photos of my model, it is perfectly the same as the model in question.
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Henry Tenby » Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:05 pm

Actually I just noticed the tail markings are different between the two models. But this would be an actual variation of the Swissair colour scheme in the 1950s.
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Eric Wilson » Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:49 pm

There's a difference where the tail marking red area begins, and it's the difference between the DC 6s and 7s. Look at where the bottom of the red area lines up with the fuselage. With a 6, the red lines up with the top of the fuselage, with a 7, it starts higher, so there is room for the "Seven Seas" designation. I have several more photos of other models that all show the same thing. That's what leads me to question if the model was truly a Raise-Up anomaly, or a DC-6 refinished at some point as a DC-7... maybe even by Raise-Up trying to get rid of DC-6 castings. On the engines, I can't find any Raise-Up DC-7s (not just Swissair) where the air intakes seem to be painted in and detailed. Again, could a Raise-Up artisan have had a spring in their step that day and decided to do that on this particular model, or was it done later? This may seem trivial to some, but as you know, we're talking about a big money model here.
Eric Wilson
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Henry Tenby » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:32 am

Hi Eric,

What I can tell you is that Anthony Lawler says Raise Up would mix DC-6 and DC-7 models and decals frequently. He has seen this with a number of their models over the decades. We were not strict in their mix and match of castings with decals. I know this was a bad problem with the Raise Up Viscount models, they created some real Frankenstein models, which were grotesque creations. For example they put a 1/72 Viscount tail on a 1/50 Viscount model. Such deformities were a lot more common than we would like from Raise Up. They were actually notorious. Anthony discussed this in his book I seem to recall.
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Henry Tenby » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:35 am

The painted inside engine drill outs could be done at the factory or post by a collector at some point. We will never know. I do not think it looks bad and it detracts from the model in now way, in my personal opinion. These same questions apply to rare watches and I discuss this in my book. If a model looks excellent, this is all that matters at the end of the day. What is the book case appeal of the model? If it is outstanding, other collectors will agree, and the value will be there when such models trade hands.
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Eric Wilson » Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:53 am

All fair comments Henry, and yes, Anthony L. did mention that in his book as it related to Viscounts. That's why I wondered if it might be the case here too. I came very close to buying this model, but of course it's hard to un-see something that doesn't feel right to you. And so the search continues.
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Re: Raise-Up DC-7 Questions

Postby Henry Tenby » Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:53 pm

At the end of the day the buyer must have 100 percent comfort in the model being purchased, so I would always advise to err on the side of caution. Specially for an extremely expensive model like this. For a $300 or $600 model it is a bit less of an issue than for a model like this that costs multiple thousands.
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