
Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

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Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Brian Laurance » Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:04 am

I’m pleased to have found this forum. The content here seems precisely suited to my interests, so I welcome the opportunity to learn from more experienced collectors and participate in discussions during the years ahead.

My interest in airliner display models goes all the way back to 1964, when my first flight experiences aboard a Pan American Boeing 707 and a Pacific Northern Airlines (PNA – “the Alaska Flag Line”) Boeing 720 created a life-long fascination with the first generation jetliners. I was ten years old at the time, and paid a daily visit to the Pan Am and PNA ticket offices in downtown Juneau, Alaska, where I spent many hours admiring the very large scale 707 and 720 display models.

The priorities of career and family, as well as a competing passion for collectible automobiles and scale-model cars, delayed my entry into the airliner display model hobby. During the last fifteen years, however, the memory of the large ticket office models has inspired me to assemble a modest collection, and I hope to add a few additional models during the years ahead.

My collection began with the discovery of the 1/72-scale vintage propliner models from Atlantic Models, and my early acquisitions included the Pan American Stratocruiser, 307 Stratoliner, Constellation, DC-7C, B-314 Clipper, etc. Given financial constraints and my personal enthusiasm for the history and significance of Pan American World Airways, I opted to focus my collection on Pan Am. Further, remembering that part of what made those ticket office display models so impressive to me was their large size, I determined to limit my collection to models that are 1/72 or larger in scale.

Sadly, the readily-available first-generation jetliner models offered by Atlantic Models and others are no larger than 1/100-scale, and it was important to me to locate some significantly larger jetliner models.

During the late-1990’s, I stumbled across a 1/36-scale Pan American Douglas DC-8 model, hidden beneath a grand piano in a Seattle-area antique store. While slightly scraped and battered, the model was unbroken and retained all four of its jet engines. Here was a large-scale early jetliner model like I had always dreamed of. The model lacks a stand, and Fred Cox (with the large collection of DC-8 Douglas Factory Models) has advised me that the model was probably produced by Pacific Miniatures. It hangs today from the ceiling in my small home office:


A few years later, I successfully acquired my first large scale Pan Am 707 model from an Ebay seller in Vienna, Austria. This 1/60-scale model still carries the “Property of Pan American World Airways” label, as well as a Pacific Miniatures logo, and is surely the “crown jewel” in my small collection. I have the original stand, but have also suspended this model:


A number of years ago, I added a second large scale 707 model. This 1/50-scale 707 was produced by Westway Models, and had received some restoration work prior to my purchase. The Ebay seller was an Air France employee from Paris, and claimed that this model had been displayed in Pan American’s principal ticket office on the Champs d’Elysee in Paris. Once again, I have the stand, but it also fills the airspace above my work surface at home:


As I look ahead to the future of my model collection, my particular focus will be large-scale Pan Am 707's and DC-8's. I know that some large Pan Am Lockheed Constellation models were also built, and I would love to add one of those as well. I've seen no indications that large-scale Pan Am 727's, DC-10's, or L-1011-500's were ever produced, but these would hold great interest. A true, large-scale Pan Am 747 ticket office model would be a further, tremendous addition to the collection.
Last edited by Brian Laurance on Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Brian Laurance
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Jean-Pierre Chalmin » Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:36 pm

Hi Brian'

I read your summary and found it very interesting. As an aviation enthousiast, I have been building, collecting and flying airplanes most of my life. I even worked for United during my college years to help pay tuition!

I am now at a point where I am trying to "downsize" and am interested in selling off my collection. Most of it consists of Air Jet Advanced models I purchased from them in the 1980's. But I also have 2 "specialty" Pan Am models that you may be interested in - or help me with advice on properly selling.

The first is a B747 - During the development phase of the B – 747 in the 1950’s, Boeing gave Pan Am’s executives cast models, including this one to their chief engineer. In 1984 his daughter who was my initial FAA flight instructor, who obviously aware of my great interest in aviation, gave me the model. This is a polymer die cast model, without the stand. The wingspan is 23 ½”; length 14”. It is in very good condition, but has minor issues such as decal ware (on one side and minor repair on the re-attached #4 engine). Unique to Boeing-originated models, decal markings on the under-belly show proposed, service connections locations for eventual production.

The second is a cast metal Lockheed C141 presented in Pan Am livery. Also given to Pan Am as concept model for a proposed passenger-version of their C-141. It has a wingspan of 19 1/2", length of 21" (with a metal stand). This one is probably very rare as the C-141 was never adopted for commercial availation (to my knowledge?).

I don't know their value and if I sell hem how to properly package and ship mdoles of this size? Given your experince, I thought that you might be able to help or guide me? As a new memeber, I am not yet familiar with the site and how to attach photos as you did. so, if you want, I can e mail photos of each model if you send me your address. I really aprrecaite any help on this.

I loved seeing your collection and understand and share your enthousiam and interest!

J.P. Chalmin
Jean-Pierre Chalmin
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Brian Laurance » Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:55 pm

Jean-Pierre, thank you so much for your reply to this topic. I have sent you a private message through this forum, including my e-mail address. I look forward to hearing more from you regarding your models.
Brian Laurance
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Henry Tenby » Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:55 pm

Unbelievable!! I really love that large scale Pan Am DC-8. It is in fabulous condition for its age.

You wonder how many of these were produced for the airline back in the day. Perhaps 20 or 30 .. or maybe it was 10 or 15. And how many survive through to today. The numbers cannot be large.

So models like this are very, very rare. And it is so accurate too! I love DC-8s and really like that model a lot!!
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Brian Laurance » Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:33 pm

Henry, thank you for your reply.

Despite placing the first order for the DC-8, Pan Am quickly "standardized" on the Boeing 707 as its principal first-generation jetliner. I suspect, then, that there was relatively little demand for the large-scale DC-8's in Pan Am livery, supporting your thought that few of these were built.

In truth, I was quite surprised to find that a large-scale Pan Am DC-8 existed! I especially like how the Douglas Aircraft logo is rendered on the model, and will try to capture a photo of this detail.

I was further surprised a few months ago when a Pan American DC-8 metal "cutaway" model in 1/24-scale was offered on Ebay. This would have been a great item to acquire, but it was beyond my budget, and a wingless cutaway is a bit outside of my scope of interest.



Brian Laurance
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Henry Tenby » Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:45 am

Hi Brian,

I can only imagine what that cutaway Pan DC-8 must have sold for ... must have been well into the thousands. I totally agree that the large Pan Am DC-8 that you have is probably one of very few in existence for the reason you stated.

It is interesting that it was fabricated by Pacific Miniatures. I am so impressed with the shape. It is bang on. And the engines are in perfect condition.

I can see the bumps and scrapes on the upper nose section. As an idea, you could have one of those mobile auto repair guys come over and give you a quote to pretty that up. They can match paint and really make that look nice, for not much money. And they will give you a free estimate. Worth looking into.

Several years ago I refinished a metal 1/72 707 into Pan American colours and it looks superb. The model is at my fathers and I will endeavour to visit his place to get some pics. As I think you'd like to see it.
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Henry Tenby
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Brian Laurance » Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:36 pm

Henry, I would, of course, be most excited to see photos of the 1/72 metal 707 model. Do you know who the manufacturer was?

Many years ago, I obtained one of the Heller 1/72-scale 707 plastic models, and subsequently located a 1/72-scale Pan American decal sheet. One of my dreams has been to have this professionally built-up as a display model -- since I don't trust my skills sufficiently to complete the model in the manner that it deserves. I've seen photos of a Pan Am 707 build-up of this same kit, finished by an enthusiast in Quebec, and it's spectacular.

Henry, that's a wonderful idea regarding the mobile auto repair guys. I will look into this, since the model could be a remarkable showpiece with a little restoration work.

Yes, the engines are all in wonderful condition -- and a thing of beauty! I find that I had a close-up shot of a couple of the engines:

Brian Laurance
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Henry Tenby » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:41 pm

My 1/72 metal 707 that I redid into Pan American colours was originally made by Rife Models which were based in Kansas I believe.

The Rife 707 in 1/72 was only produced in the Air France livery, as far as I am aware, and there were hundreds of these models produced, as they still show up quite regularly for sale, and are not too costly to acquire.

I had a number of these beat-up Rife 707 models in Air France livery, so I have re-done them in the liveries of Pan American, Pakistan International, Air India, and Western Air Lines (Indian head scheme). I was also thinking of doing EL AL and Braniff International. Because it is a short tail 707 depicted in this model you have to be careful to choose an operator that actually had short tail 707s in the early 1960s.

If you can find a mobile auto body repair guys to touch up your Pan Am DC-8 please upload some pics of the improved areas. It will be neat to see.

Attached are some pics of my Pakistan and Air India 1/72 707 models.
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Henry Tenby
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Brian Laurance » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:49 pm

Henry, those models look exceptional! I especially like the Western Airlines livery. Thanks for posting the photos.
Brian Laurance
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Re: Introduction -- and a bit of my small collection

Postby Henry Tenby » Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:25 am

Thank you Brian. When the WAL 707 is on a stand I will take better photos and upload them.

That was a tough one to do because the decals were 40+ years old and they came to pieces when I put them on the model. It was like brain surgery putting the pieces back together with a brush.
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