- Model: US Air Force Lockheed F-94 Starfire 7356 Tenshodo

Model: US Air Force Lockheed F-94 Starfire 7356 Tenshodo

US Air Force Lockheed F-94 Starfire 7356  Tenshodo aircraft display model photo
Date added: Nov 12, 2014   •  Rating: 2.9  •    Views: 1427   •  Views per day: 0.4

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
7356 The classic signature of Tenshodo is the delicate engraved panel lines and the detailed landing gear in the down position. Wingspan 8.75" length 9.25" Hand made in Japan in the 1960s. This model was listed on ebay. A work of art.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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