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Date added: Aug 10, 2017 • Rating: 3.3 • Views: 1521 • Views per day: 0.6
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C-FCRE This is a 1/100 scale CAIL Canadian Airlines Douglas DC-10 professional travel agent display model with registration number C-FCRE made by Scalecraft Models of Auckland New Zealand.
The model comes with a replacement Pacmin stand as pictured. The model is made out of a very heavt type of resin and is a very nice and accurate model.
Scalecraft made this model for VIP use within the airline and they are quite rare. I have only seen two of these models in my 30 years of collecting. Most of the CAIL DC-10 models were made by Fratelli Cessana in plastic and they are not comparable to the professional finish of this model, which is every bit as good as Pacmin quality (in my opinion).
The dimensions of the model are 22 inches nose to tail with a 19.5 inch wing span. This makes the model exactly 1/100 scale.