- Model: Germanair Fokker F28 D-AGAB Verkuyl

Model: Germanair Fokker F28 D-AGAB Verkuyl

Germanair Fokker F28 D-AGAB  Verkuyl aircraft display model photo
Date added: Dec 30, 2013   •  Rating: 2.9  •    Views: 1829   •  Views per day: 0.5

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
D-AGAB This model was offered for sale at the Schwanheim 2013 show in Frankfurt by Winaud Mordziol (I do not have his contact details). Asking price is 2500 EUR (firm). What a piece! No takers at that price, so I am sure it will be offered again next year.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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