- Model: Eastern Airlines Douglas DC-4 NC88706 Douglas Factory Model

Model: Eastern Airlines Douglas DC-4 NC88706 Douglas Factory Model

Eastern Airlines Douglas DC-4 NC88706  Douglas Factory Model aircraft display model photo
Date added: Sep 10, 2011   •  Rating: 3.0  •    Views: 4458   •  Views per day: 0.9

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
NC88706 This wonderful model was offered for sale by Gary Field at the Airliners International 2011 show at Portland. I am not sure if it sold. It is a vintage 1940s/50s model refinished by Gary Field. Gary's work is lovely!

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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Comment by: Frank Cuadrado
I heard it sold for $1500

Comment by: Henry Tenby
Very possible .. although it wasn't mentioned I don't think any of these models were priced under $1000 ... except the small Western L188 which is visible in the lower right of this photo. I seem to recall someone saying it had an anticipated sales price in the $200 range.