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Date added: Jan 31, 2014 • Rating: 3.0 • Views: 1811 • Views per day: 0.4
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Private collection, item not for sale, collector wishes to remain incognito -- A very rare piece of Israeli history. Wing span of the model is 29 cm which gives a scale of 1:123. Made of metal and dates from the early 1950s. As reported by the model's owner "A recognition aluminum cast of a DC-4 Skymaster from the early 50s wearing the star of David markings on the fuselage and the wings. The Skymaster played an extremely important role in building the force of the nation to come by smuggling ammunition and airplanes in its belly during the late 1940s. Night missions from Chesckoslovakia under the monitoring eyes of the Brits before 1948, and than on after the establishment of the State in 1948. Some of these missions ended sadly with loss of life and equipment so dear to the young nation."