- Photos by Aircraft Manufacturer: Armstrong Whitworth

Photos by Aircraft Manufacturer: Armstrong Whitworth

Your search returns 2 photos
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Views 1489
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: British European Airways - BEA, Armstrong Whitworth Argosy, G-ATTC
G-ATTC Making myself a proper pain in the backside, my friend Ron allowed me to photograph some of his models, including this lovely piece. Model dates from the mid 1990s, a...
Henry Tenby    (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)
Views 2168
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: British European Airways - BEA, Armstrong Whitworth Argosy, G-ATTC
G-ATTC Making myself a proper pain in the backside, my friend Ron allowed me to photograph some of his models, including this lovely piece. Model dates from the mid 1990s, a...
Henry Tenby    (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)