- Photos of Interflug

Photos of Interflug

Your search returns 18 photos
Photos 1 to 16
Views 642
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134, DDR-SCT
DDR-SCT A genuine Aviaexport model, which I came across whilst on a German holiday many years ago.
Neil Newman     (Seniority Date: Mar 25 2013)
Views 602
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134
An Aviaexport model that I acquired many years ago whilst on holiday in Germany.
Neil Newman     (Seniority Date: Mar 25 2013)
Views 609
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134, DDR-SCT
DDR-SCT I bought this model on a holiday in Germany back in 1991. I really like the stand logo too.
Neil Newman     (Seniority Date: Mar 25 2013)
Views 1037
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, IIyushin IL-62M
Gokhan Sarigol    (Seniority Date: Dec 25 2011)
Views 857
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, IIyushin IL-14, DM-SAG
DM-SAG I have purchased this model about 15 years back from a former Interflug employee, now a famous tour guide for Aviation Tours around the world. The propellers upon delivery were...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 864
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, IIyushin IL-14, DM-SAG
DM-SAG I have purchased this model about 15 years back from a former Interflug employee, now a famous tour guide for Aviation Tours around the world. The propellers upon delivery were...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 842
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, IIyushin IL-14, DM-SAG
DM-SAG I have purchased this model about 15 years back from a former Interflug employee, now a famous tour guide for Aviation Tours around the world. The manufacturer of this model...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 1093
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134
This giant model was displayed over many years at the office of a Security Marshall of Interflug and was frequently dsiplayed at the Booth of Interflug at International Fairs and...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 1001
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134, DM-SDC
DM-SDC This giant model was displayed over many years at the office of a Security Marshall of Interflug and was frequently dsiplayed at the Booth of Interflug at International Fairs and...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 995
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134
This giant model was displayed over many years at the office of a Security Marshall of Interflug and was frequently dsiplayed at the Booth of Interflug at International Fairs and...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 1003
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134, DM-SDC
DM-SDC This giant model was displayed over many years at the office of a Security Marshall of Interflug and was frequently dsiplayed at the Booth of Interflug at International Fairs and...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 873
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134, DM-SDC
DM-SDC This giant model was displayed over many years at the office of a Security Marshall of Interflug and was frequently dsiplayed at the Booth of Interflug at International Fairs and...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 1480
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134, DM-SDC
DM-SDC This giant model was displayed over many years at the office of a Security Marshall of Interflug and was frequently dsiplayed at the Booth of Interflug at International Fairs and...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 1207
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, Tupolev Tu-134, DM-SDC
DM-SDC This giant model was displayed over many years at the office of a Security Marshall of Interflug and was frequently dsiplayed at the Booth of Interflug at International Fairs and...
Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara    (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)
Views 2431
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, IIyushin IL-62, DDR-SEG
DDR-SEG 1/100 with stand and original box. A beautiful model.
Henry Tenby    (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)
Views 1920
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Interflug, IIyushin IL-62, DDR-SEG
DDR-SEG 1/100 with stand and original box. A beautiful model.
Henry Tenby    (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)