- Perspex Photos

Perspex Photos

Your search returns 3 photos
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Views 1618
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Eastern Airlines, Douglas DC-8-63, N8602
N8602 This model belongs to my friend Mike Brown. It is an original 1960s era airline model.
Henry Tenby    (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)
Views 1216
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Untitled, Turbolet Let 410, OK-LET
OK-LET This is my first perspex model and the workmanship is a treasure to behold. One wonders how it was made. The interior has cockpit details and pilot seats, plus the...
Henry Tenby    (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)
Views 1278
Aircraft Model
Model Info
Photo: Untitled, Turbolet Let 410, OK-LET
OK-LET This is my first perspex model and the workmanship is a treasure to behold. One wonders how it was made. The interior has cockpit details and pilot seats, plus the...
Henry Tenby    (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)