- Model: Interflug IIyushin IL-14 DM-SAG Illyushin Model Shop

Model: Interflug IIyushin IL-14 DM-SAG Illyushin Model Shop

Interflug IIyushin IL-14 DM-SAG  Illyushin Model Shop aircraft display model photo
Date added: Mar 20, 2019   •  Rating: 2.7  •    Views: 1028   •  Views per day: 0.5

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
DM-SAG I have purchased this model about 15 years back from a former Interflug employee, now a famous tour guide for Aviation Tours around the world. The propellers upon delivery were make out of card board. I had them remade with fiber glass. The manufacturer of this model could be Verkuyl - a wild guess. This IL-14 is now displayed at my home in Japan.

Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara  
  (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)


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